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Please note that certification of this portfolio did not begin until 2017.

Performance Table and Graphs

Recommendation portfolio's performance

As this graph shows, the five year EXCESS returns (above the returns from the passive index benchmark) would have been $196,000 on an initial principal of $100,000.
            OEF and BigCap100

yearly comparison
            of recommendations and benchmark
The recommendation portfolio beats the benchmark 4 of 5 years.

returns vs benchmark 5 yr graph
This performance graph -five years- visualizes historic risks and returns - "past performance" - against the benchmark.  When the value of a line falls below a portion of the line to the left (looking back up to 12 months), there is risk. Both the benchmark and the recommendations have risk and rewards.
The returns shown assume investment of equal amounts each day in each recommended stock,  buying  at the opening price the day of recommendations, holding for 30 market days (about 6 weeks), selling at the opening price on the last day, and repeating with fresh recommendations. The returns are calculated assuming a starting portfolio of $100,000 and no commission.

Risk Profile

We also prepare historic risk profiles for each set of recommendations. 

Positions Win to Loss: 3868 : 2420 Total=6288.
AvgWin to AvgLoss: $139 : $-91.
MedianWin to MedianLoss: $73 : $-53.
Max Drawdown (252 market days): 18% over 1258 total market days. (There are 252 market days in a typical year).

Note the max draw-down risk is 18% which is slightly LESS risk than the benchmark while the annualized return is more than double.

Contact for information on this or other recommendation sets.